Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

An indicator that you have storm damage is that of missing shingles. Once shingles have lost their bond at the seal strip (which can also occur due to high winds) they become more susceptible to future storms with high winds. Once the seal strip is broken, exposed nails could rust and cause Interior leaking. If you see any active leak or discoloration on your ceiling, make sure you contact a professional right away.

Hail damage, though not as obvious, can also cause long-term damage to your shingles. Hail can loosen granules or imbed the granules into the asphalt layers. This loss can jeopardize the functionality of the shingle and speed up the aging of your roof.


One of the easiest ways to know if it’s time to replace your roof is if you have shingle loss. Broken or missing shingles tell us two things:

  1. Your shingles, due to weather, are brittle, and it’s time to replace the roof. Repairs at this time can be difficult to perform because of the brittle nature of the shingle. Repairing just a few can cause more breakage and overall damage. We will always attempt a brittle test to determine the life of your shingles.
  2. Your shingles or components were not installed to manufactures recommendations (i.e. did not use the suggested amount of nails per shingle, or used an irregular nailing pattern)


Granular loss is normal for asphalt shingles, but significant loss is another sign that a roof replacement might be necessary.

Normal weathering is the most common cause of granular loss. When the loss is consistent across the roof, this is usually the case. Over time, the bond between the granules and asphalt deteriorates, (delamination) and granules will be loosened and deposited in gutters and surrounding areas.

Hail damage can play a significant role in the granular loss. Hail can cause pitting in the shingle, increase the delamination process and disrupt the water runoff that should be occurring. Hail can be hard to detect, even to the most trained eye, so it’s important to consult a professional to see if your roof has sustained damages.

Blistering is another significant way you lose granules. Asphalt shingles are made up of three layers: Fiberglass, asphalt, and granules. Blistering occurs simply when moisture gets trapped between these layers and expands. When the trapped moisture heats up, the expansion causes small blisters throughout the shingle, which also speeds up the delamination process.

Each Roof is unique, with many varying factors. There is no sure way to know if you have storm-related damage without contacting a professional. Make sure to have a full inspection done by a professional before filing a claim.

While there is no “average” cost due to the uniqueness of each home, we would love to provide you with a FREE, NO PRESSURE ROOF INSPECTION and ESTIMATE. If you (would like to have Girl on a Roof, on your roof?) are interested in having one of our estimators take a look at your home, please give us a call or fill out the contact card when you’re ready.

Roofing materials have come a long way in the last 30 years, but still, the most common shingle is the asphalt shingle. The two most common are the 3 tab and the laminated three-dimensional, or architectural shingle.

The streaking that you may see on your roof is a type of algae that grows slowly over time. Typically the growth of algae is strictly aesthetic and won’t cause any damage. However, depending on the types of trees surrounding your property you can also have a moss-like growth on your roof. If this is the case, it is important to have the roof looked at to make sure that the moss has not grown between the shingles, causing separation between the courses.

Typically a full replacement on an average size roof should take about one full day. Some roofs of course can take longer, depending on the square footage, but we always strive to complete your project as quickly as efficiently as possible so you can return to your normal routine.

The PVC that comes out through your roof, believe it or not, is your toilet ventilation. This PVC should NOT be capped and is essential to your plumbing system.

This is a very common question and a good one. The answer is, no. Every shingle manufacturer offers a variety of colors to choose from. Colors can range from a very light, almost white, to a deep charcoal. As long as your attic area (if applicable) is vented properly, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, the color you choose should not affect the temperature of your house.

This is completely up to you! It can be fun to watch, but it’s also a loud process, so that’s important to keep that in mind.

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